Amelia Zontini
Read MoreCrystal S. Heckert and Ginger Holley
Michael Marqua & John Darby
The Trainer Database contains information about courses and trainers throughout the IATSE that is voluntarily self-reported to the IATSE Training Trust Fund. Because this information is voluntarily self-reported, it may be outdated or have errors, omissions, typos, and other inaccuracies.
If you have questions about a course, contact the trainer directly. For locally submitted courses, contact the local union that submitted the course.
The IATSE Training Trust Fund does not evaluate, certify, approve, endorse, authorize, or recommend trainers. The inclusion of a course in the Trainer Database does not constitute any form of endorsement, recognition, or authorization of a course or a trainer’s professional skills. The inclusion of a course in the Trainer Database does not necessarily indicate eligibility for Course Reimbursement. The local union is responsible for verifying trainers' capacities, certifications, quality of work, and suitability to their workers' training needs. The local is also responsible for making all course arrangements including securing a training venue, renting equipment, and paying for all course expenses.
Amelia Zontini
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