Trainer Database
The Trainer Database is a searchable, online listing of trainers throughout the IATSE who can provide safety and craft skills classes for local unions. It contains information about trainers that is voluntarily self-reported or locally submitted to the IATSE TTF. Because this information is voluntarily self-reported or submitted by a local, it may be outdated or have errors, omissions, typos, and other inaccuracies.
The IATSE TTF does not evaluate, certify, approve, endorse, authorize, or recommend trainers. The inclusion of a course in the Trainer Database does not constitute any form of endorsement, recognition, or authorization of a course or a trainer’s professional skills. The local union is responsible for verifying trainers' capacities, certifications, quality of work, and suitability to their workers' training needs. The local is also responsible for making all course arrangements including securing a training venue, renting equipment, and paying for all course expenses.
How Does the Trainer Database Work?
As a local union officer, you gauge the interests and training needs of your local and determine which course is most needed. Use this information to browse the map or list of courses in the Trainer Database. You can also search by keyword and use filters to find courses by department, craft, format, location, trainer name, or industry-recognized certifications. Click on a listing to see course details including a course description, format, length, and trainer certifications. Trainer contact information is included in trainer-submitted entries, so you can reach out directly with any questions you may have. For locally-submitted entries, contact the local union that submitted the course.
How Does My Local Access the Trainer Database?
The local union president, secretary treasurer, BA, or training coordinator must complete, sign, and submit this application. Email the application to Once we review and approve your application, we will create your account and email you a link where you’ll be asked to create a password. You will use these credentials to sign in and explore classes and trainers throughout the United States and Canada in a variety of craft topics.
Criteria To Be Listed in The Trainer Database
This section is for trainer-submitted courses only.
Trainers in this database may be either IATSE members who have already conducted at least five trainings, including at least two for their local, or non-members who come highly recommended by locals for whom they’ve taught safety or craft skills classes. Trainers should understand the unique craft skills and safety training needs of the IATSE workforce and understand and apply adult learning methods in their courses. They must also provide inquiring locals with a trainer biography, course description, course outline, and references from other locals of past courses they have presented.
A course description and course outline are required to submit a course. At a minimum, the description must answer these questions:
What is this course about?
What will course participants know or be able to do by the end of the course?
How does the course relate to the crafts represented by the IATSE in the entertainment and exhibition industries?
How will the course develop or improve participants’ safety or craft skills?
We also recommend you include a biography that details your professional background, education, and relevant certifications that make you a suitable candidate to teach IATSE workers.
Click here to download a course description and outline template ↓
Reintroducing the Trainer Database
You can now search the Trainer Database online! Here's what you can expect:
- No more forms: A user-friendly interface allows you to effortlessly browse available courses
- Tailored to your needs: Find trainers who specialize in your local's covered crafts or department
- Choose your preferred format: In-person or virtual training
- Designate location: Navigate the map to find nearby trainers or filter by country
- Select a trainer: See all the courses available from your preferred trainer
- Industry-recognized certifications: Find ETCP Recognized Trainers, OSHA Outreach Trainers, and more
Training Report for Local Trainers
We encourage local trainers who participate in one of our Train the Trainer workshops to tell us about the safety and craft skills courses they teach after participating in a workshop. Member and Permit Orientation, Job Steward Training, and other union skills and leadership classes should not be reported here.