Curriculum Library

Our customized curricula provide locals with the tools they need to present the highest quality training to workers throughout the IATSE.

If your local is interested in using TTF branded curriculum, please have a local officer email a completed application, and we will contact your local and the trainers you identified to discuss curriculum use. The officer completing and submitting the curriculum application must be an officer other than the individual listed as a trainer on the application.

We encourage all locals using TTF curriculum to send their trainers to a Train the Trainer workshop. More information →


  1. Your local must use TTF-provided sign-in sheets and evaluations for each class you teach with IATSE TTF curriculum and email these to us for tracking. All courses taught with TTF curriculum will be entered in the Training Tracker.

  2. Classes your local trainer(s) conduct using IATSE TTF Safety First! curriculum do not qualify for Course Reimbursement funds.

  3. Non-compliance with any of the above regulations may lead to the TTF recalling the right to use TTF curriculum.

  4. These policies are subject to change at any time by the Trustees. The application and/or interpretation of these policies shall at all times be subject to the discretion of the Trustees, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

OSHA 10 vs OSHA 30

OSHA courses provide essential information on the prevention of workplace hazards, but it can be confusing knowing whether your local union workers should take an OSHA 10 or OSHA 30 and if the crafts represented by your local are considered General Industry or Construction. We break down the differences here ↓

OSHA 10 training is an important aspect of helping the IATSE workforce increase their hazard awareness and ability to protect their health and safety while working. The curriculum consists of a variety of modules that cover a range of worker health and safety topics relevant to crafts represented by the IATSE. It is designed with information and tools to build worker capacity to recognize potential hazards and access tools and resources to minimize risks to workers’ health and safety.

OSHA 30 training helps workers with some safety responsibility increase their hazard awareness and ability to protect their fellow workers’ health and safety through more in-depth training. When IATSE supervisors, department heads, keys, and workers with safety responsibility are more knowledgeable about workplace hazards and their rights, they can help prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses on the job. The curriculum consists of a variety of modules that cover a range of worker health and safety topics relevant to crafts represented by the IATSE. The 30-hour course is intended to provide workers with some safety responsibility a greater depth and variety of training than the 10-hour course. It is designed with information and tools to build worker capacity to recognize potential hazards and access tools and resources to minimize risks to workers’ health and safety.

OSHA Curriculum Library

Locals licensed to use a TTF OSHA curriculum will be provided an instructor guide, PowerPoint presentations, and workbooks in a digital format free of charge. After a brief orientation, local OSHA trainers will be able to teach OSHA classes for their local union using the curriculum. General Industry modules are structured for use by local union OSHA Authorized General Industry Trainers and construction modules are structured for use by local union OSHA Authorized Construction Trainers.


OSHA 10-Hour General Industry with Focus on the Entertainment Industry

Modules include:

  • Introduction to OSHA

  • Electrical Safety

  • Ergonomics

  • Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, and Fire Protection

  • Fall Protection

  • Hand and Portable Powered Tool Safety

  • Hazard Communication/Globally Harmonized System

  • Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal

  • Mobile Elevating Work Platforms

  • Personal Protective Equipment

  • Walking and Working Surfaces

Download course description ↓

OSHA 10-Hour Construction with Focus on the Entertainment Industry

Modules include:

  • Introduction to OSHA

  • Caught-in or -Between and Struck-by Hazards

  • Electrical Safety

  • Fall Protection

  • Hand and Portable Powered Tool Safety

  • Hazard Communication/Globally Harmonized System

  • Health Hazards

  • Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal

  • Personal Protective Equipment

  • Scaffolds

  • Slips, Trips, and Falls

  • Stairways and Ladders

Download course description ↓


OSHA 30-Hour General Industry with Focus on the Entertainment Industry

Modules include:

  • Introduction to OSHA

  • Back Safety

  • Bloodborne Pathogens

  • Compressed Gasses

  • Early Adopter Video

  • Electrical Safety

  • Emergency Action and Fire Prevention

  • Emergency Action Plans and Disaster Plans

  • Emergency Preparedness

  • Entertainment Rigging

  • Ergonomics

  • Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, and Fire Protection

  • Fall Protection

  • General Duty Clause

  • Hand and Portable Powered Tool Safety

  • Hazard Communication/Globally Harmonized System

  • Hearing Conservation

  • Introduction to Industrial Hygiene

  • Job Hazard Analysis

  • Ladder Safety

  • Lockout/Tagout

  • Machine Guarding

  • Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal

  • Mental Health Awareness

  • Mobile Elevating Work Platforms

  • Multi-Employer Worksites

  • Personal Protective Equipment

  • Personal Protective Equipment: Head Protection

  • Preparing for Weather Emergencies

  • Professional Behavior

  • Scaffolds in the Entertainment Industry

  • Situational Awareness

  • Walking and Working Surfaces

  • Welding, Cutting, and Brazing

  • Working in Hot Conditions

Download course description ↓

OSHA 30-Hour Construction with Focus on the Entertainment Industry

Modules include:

  • Introduction to OSHA

  • Accident Investigation

  • Bloodborne Pathogens

  • Caught-In or -Between Hazards

  • Confined Spaces

  • Electrocution Hazards

  • Emergency Action and Fire Prevention

  • Ergonomics

  • Fall Protection

  • Foundations of Safety Leadership

  • Hand and Portable Powered Tool Safety

  • Hazard Communication/Globally Harmonized System

  • Job Hazard Analysis

  • Managing Safety and Health

  • Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal

  • Mental Health Awareness

  • Mobile Elevating Work Platforms

  • Multi-Employer Worksites

  • Noise Hazards

  • Personal Protective Equipment

  • Powered Industrial Trucks

  • Rigging Hoists and Cranes

  • Scaffolds

  • Stairways and Ladders

  • Struck-By Hazards

  • Welding, Cutting, and Brazing

  • Workplace Fatigue

  • Workplace Violence


IATSE TTF Safety First! Online Courses ©

These narrated courses are formatted for individuals to take in an online, interactive format and for locals to present in a group format. Case studies from the various crafts are included, making the curriculum relevant across the IATSE workforce.

The 20 courses include Introduction to Basic Entertainment Safety; Biological Hazards; Hazard Communication: Workplace Chemicals; Chemical Protection; Electrical Safety; Fall Prevention and Protection; Elevated Work Platforms & Aerial Lifts; Scaffold Safety; Ergonomics; Noise Exposure; Confined Space/Small Space Awareness; Firearms Safety; Hand and Portable Power Tools; Compressed Gases; Rigging Safety; Welding and Cutting; Hazard Identification and Safety in the Work Environment; Pandemic Safety; Recommended Sanitation Practices for Make-up and Hair, and Wardrobe and Costume Department Safety.

Local trainers approved to use the TTF Safety First! © Curriculum can access the Instructor Led Training (ILT) website to teach in a group setting using audio narration. This version of the curriculum was designed to be very user-friendly, and instructors can choose which portions they teach themselves and which portions they want taught through the narration.

Download full course descriptions ↓

Computer Essentials

This curriculum was developed by the IATSE Education and Training Department as a training resource for IATSE workers. Our goal is to provide local unions with comprehensive, user-friendly training that will cover the basic knowledge that is required for an individual to use their personal computer.

The curriculum is designed to provide IATSE workers with the information necessary to perform simple tasks on their computer like gaining access to the Internet, creating and maintaining email accounts for personal and professional use, and downloading and using common writing and editing applications. The training is structured for use by local union trainers and can be customized to meet your local’s needs.

IATSE Computer Essentials is a two-part course. Each part is intended to be taught on a separate day to allow students enough time to complete their homework assignments. The IATSE Computer Essentials curriculum includes eight key resources:

  1. PowerPoint presentations for Part 1 and Part 2

  2. Presentation scripts for Part 1 and Part 2

  3. Basic Computer Terms handout

  4. Student Computer Survey

  5. Safe Computer Practices handout

  6. Professional Email Etiquette handout

  7. LinkedIn Learning Collection handout

  8. TTF Sign-in Sheet Template

Before teaching this course, all instructors must view the IATSE Computer Essentials Train the Trainer tutorial video. The tutorial is a 36-minute video that was created to give prospective trainers an overview of the course along with tips to help you deliver an effective computer course.

This course was developed for computer beginners, and you are not required to be a computer expert to teach it. The tutorial will give you an idea of the computer capabilities required to teach this course, and it will also recommend additional LinkedIn Learning courses to assist you in cultivating any new skills that may be necessary to teach this course.

All students and instructors are required to have a LinkedIn Learning account before the start of class to complete the required course assignments. Click here to apply for a free LinkedIn Learning subscription →