The focus of this course will be the overall preparation for ETCP Rigging Exams. we ill also demonstrate Working Load Limits and Breaking Strengths through destructive testing.
The math review of this seminar is designed to break down complex rigging calculations and make them easy to understand. Students will work through the equations that are both common to fundamental rigging practices and more advanced to the engineering aspects of the craft. Along the way, students will learn tips and techniques to remember and execute the formulas with confidence.
Day One
Fall protection
Numbers to know
Resultant forces
Mechanical advantage
Bridle lengths
Tensions on bridle legs
Truss math
Using truss load tables
Angled legs
Horizontal breasting lines
Converting metric to imperial
Day Two
Breaking strength, working load limits, and design factors
3 Sigma testing
Domestic vs imported hardware
Breaking strengths of hardware and destructive testing
DATES: May 17-18, 2019
INSTRUCTORS: Delbert Hall, ETCP Recognized Trainer
This course is made possible through the IATSE TTF Course Reimbursement Program. If you are interested in this training, contact Local 38 for more information.