Adjusting Elements of a Counterweight System

Keeping tension on your operating lines and adequate space between your battens is not a complicated task. In this course, we will cover the best practices when adjusting elements of your counterweight systems. This course carries 1.5 ETCP Recertification credits for Arena Rigging only.

  • Kicking Sheaves

  • Adjusting Tension Blocks


Language: English

Format: In-person, Virtual

Length: 1.5 hours


J. Tyler DeLong, IATSE Local 618

Location: Bloomington, IN

Certifications: ETCP Recognized Trainer

Tyler DeLong is a dual ETCP Certified in both Theatrical and Arena Rigging. He is an ETCP Recognized Trainer and a voting member of the Rigging Work Group. Tyler has spent over a decade touring the world as a Road Rigger, Flyman, Automation Tech, and Production Manager. Between contracts he has worked with numerous IATSE locals and Rigging Companies. He is an Owner/Managing Partner of DeLong Rigging Solutions.