Adjusting Elements of a Counterweight System
Keeping tension on your operating lines and adequate space between your battens is not a complicated task. In this course, we will cover the best practices when adjusting elements of your counterweight systems. This course carries 1.5 ETCP Recertification credits for Arena Rigging only.
Kicking Sheaves
Adjusting Tension Blocks
Language: English
Format: In-person, Virtual
Length: 1.5 hours
J. Tyler DeLong, IATSE Local 618
Location: Bloomington, IN
Certifications: ETCP Recognized Trainer
Tyler DeLong is a dual ETCP Certified in both Theatrical and Arena Rigging. He is an ETCP Recognized Trainer and a voting member of the Rigging Work Group. Tyler has spent over a decade touring the world as a Road Rigger, Flyman, Automation Tech, and Production Manager. Between contracts he has worked with numerous IATSE locals and Rigging Companies. He is an Owner/Managing Partner of DeLong Rigging Solutions.