FAQ Friday: LinkedIn Learning Local Union Curator

What can a LinkedIn Learning Local Union Curator do?
By sharing LinkedIn Learning courses and custom content, LinkedIn Learning Local Union Curators can tailor the learning experience for their workers. The Curator serves as the voice of the local union on LinkedIn Learning, ensuring that the content shared aligns with the training goals of the local.

  • Upload custom content: Upload your local’s course materials like videos, slide shows, and documents. Custom content can only be edited and/or deleted by the Local Union Curator, so it’s private and secure. You can find the parameters for uploading content here.

  • Link to outside content: A Learning Path can include links to outside content, such as YouTube videos or videos hosted on your website, online response forms, or other online resources.

  • Create and recommend Learning Paths: Create custom Learning Paths for different crafts using courses offered by LinkedIn Learning, your custom content, or a combination of the two. Recommend your Learning Paths to one, some, or all of your local workers.

  • Assign content: Assign your Learning Paths and include a due date for time-sensitive training programs.

  • Track progress and completions: Track the progress and completion of your recommended Learning Paths.

Click here for a video that will answer most of your questions about being a Curator for your local union. →

I am an officer at my local union. How do I apply to become the LinkedIn Learning curator for my local?
We’re excited your local union will be able to take advantage of all the benefits of having a Local Union Curator! The Local Union Curator must be an officer of the local (i.e., president, secretary treasurer, BA, or training coordinator), and the officer completing and submitting the application must be an officer other than the individual listed as the designated Local Union Curator. Once you’ve been assigned the Local Union Curator permissions on www.linkedinlearning.com, you will receive an email from LinkedIn Learning with more information about the Curator role.

As the Local Union Curator, you will also be the local point person for the TTF to contact with any enrollment issues that arise (e.g., incorrect email addresses or questions about subscription status).

Is the LinkedIn Learning Local Union Curator account different from our Curator’s personal LinkedIn Learning account?
Yes. Local Union Curator permissions are issued at an individual user account level in LinkedIn Learning and cannot be transferred to a new Curator later if the Local Union Curator account is associated with a personal email address. The local’s designated Curator should keep the Local Union Curator account and their personal LinkedIn Learning account separate with different email addresses and login credentials, and they should not connect the Local Union Curator account to their personal LinkedIn profile. We recommend that the local’s designated Curator use an email address associated with a position at the local. If you are unsure what email address to use, please contact us.

I am the new LinkedIn Learning Curator for my local. How do I set up and log into my account?
You will receive an account activation email at the email address associated with the Local Union Curator account. Click the activation link in that email to activate and set up your new Curator account. Select “Create a LinkedIn Learning account” and proceed accordingly, without signing in to LinkedIn. Do not connect the Local Union Curator account to your personal LinkedIn profile during the account activation process.

You will need to keep the Local Union Curator account separate from your personal LinkedIn Learning account, and you will need to use a different email address and login credentials for each of these accounts. To log into the Local Union Curator account, go to www.linkedin.com/learning and enter the email address associated with your Local Union Curator account and the password you created during the account activation process for that account, which is separate from your personal LinkedIn Learning account.

As a local union curator, may I connect the local union curator account to my personal LinkedIn profile?
No. The Local Union Curator account should never be connected to your personal LinkedIn profile. Please be aware that doing so has the potential to unintentionally impact your personal LinkedIn Learning account and personal learning history on the platform.

Can I see who’s accessed my local’s recommended content?
After sharing a content link, you can see how many unique viewers have viewed the content over the last 90 days on your content library page. You can also click on the viewer count number to see a detailed graph. When recommending content, you’ll be able to see the recommendation history tab which includes more detailed metrics on learner completion and in-progress data (what percentage of learners have completed, along with learner names).

Is there a monthly report I can share with my local?
A monthly insights email is sent every 30 days that provides insights on the total number of viewers for your curated content, along with your most popular curated content that month. This email won’t be sent if there has been no change in curation or related viewer activity for your content in the last 30 days.

Who owns my local’s custom content?
You retain sole possession of your intellectual property. Neither LinkedIn Learning nor the IATSE TTF will be able to edit or copy your custom content. However, the IATSE TTF reserves the right to delete any custom content that is deemed inappropriate.