IATSE Training Trust Fund

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10 New Courses Added to Your AVIXA Account

We added 10 new courses to your AVIXA account! These free, online courses are included in your membership when you apply through the IATSE TTF/AVIXA partnership. The new courses are in addition to the introductory, online AV courses that are already in your account: Quick Start to the AV Industry Online; AVIXA-Recognized AV Technologist Test; Networking Technology Online; AV Math Online; Event Setup for AV Techs Online; and Project Management for AV Online.

Essentials Course Group

  • Audio 1: Essentials

  • AV Infrastructure: Essentials

  • Networking 1: Essentials

  • Video 1: Essentials

CTS Prep Course Group

  • Audio 2: CTS Prep

  • Creating AV Solutions: CTS Prep

  • Implementing AV Solutions: CTS Prep

  • Networking 2: CTS Prep

  • Servicing AV Solutions: CTS Prep

  • Video 2: CTS Prep

If you don’t have a membership, visit our AVIXA Partnership page and click REGISTER to apply for your account →