Local 16’s Trainings Keep the Community Fabric Connected
IATSE Local 16 started offering the TTF Safety First! trainings in late September and the membership loves it! They were fortunate to be able to use their own streaming/video recording studio to present Instructor Led Training. They even adapted the COVID-19 course to this format by slowing down and discussing each portion together, thoroughly, before moving along. It made sense and Vice President and Training Director Danny Borelis feels the courses were very well received.
“Beyond providing great safety information, the dialogue generated during the courses has the added effect of keeping the ‘community fabric’ connected during this difficult time. The attendees are very invested in each course and often offer each other additional resources (websites, standards, etc.) about the topics being discussed.”
With an average of 45-65 attendees per course, Local 16 realized they typically needed twice the expected time to complete each course. We encourage locals to adapt the TTF Safety First! courses to their needs and to allow more time for comprehensive topic discussions, especially when course participation rates are high.
IATSE Local 16 is currently offering a robust schedule of trainings, in addition to creating a video reference library of materials. These include Basic Audio Fundamentals, Video Switchers, Helixnet, Freespeak, Analogway Pulse I & II, OSHA 10/GES, and even the classroom portion of MEWP Safety Certifications.
An Instructor Led Training (ILT) version of the COVID-19 course as well as an updated version of the individual course will be available soon.
We’d love to hear about the trainings your local is up to or how the IATSE TTF has helped you implement new or improve existing courses at your local. Send your success stories here.