IATSE TTF Presents at the International Foundation for Employee Benefit Plans

IATSE Training Trust Fund Executive Director, Liz Campos and IATSE International Director of Education and Training, Pat White were invited to present at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans – Institute for Apprenticeship, Training and Education this January. On January 19, Liz and Pat spoke to an audience of 295 training directors, employers, and unions on a panel about Recruitment and Retention in a Changing Economy.

The IATSE Training Trust Fund is unique among joint employer training programs because our training is for workers already in the workforce as opposed to traditional labor-management apprenticeship programs. It is quite an honor for us to be recognized and share our successes with building trades programs and others from around the US and Canada.

The IATSE Training Trust Fund approach to include workers' voices in our curriculum, our Train the Trainer model of building capacity at the local levels for training, and using worker input to shape the direction of programs was well received.

IATSE Training Trust Fund