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Dayplaying on TV and Film Sets | Local 764

This course covers the basics of dayplaying as a background costumer on a film/TV set. Attendees will learn how to effectively check in background actors, how to assist the Costume Design team in getting the actors properly outfitted, learn to take continuity photos and how to label those photos, and check out the background at the end of the night.

  • Getting the call

  • What to bring

  • Getting and understanding your call sheet

  • Loading into holding

  • Checking in the background

  • Going to the set with the background

  • Wrapping out the background at the end of the night

DATE: March 20, 2022


INSTRUCTOR: Kim Butler-Gilkeson & Kim Baird, Local 764

This course is made possible through the IATSE TTF Course Reimbursement Program. If you are interested in this training, contact Local 764 for more information.