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CPR AED First Aid in Victoria, BC | Local 168

This 32-hour program is designed to provide the first aid attendant with the skills to function as part of an effective first aid program in the workplace. This course teaches attendants all aspects of emergency care, from minor injury management to the most serious trauma care involving airway, breathing, and circulatory emergencies.

  • First aid Equipment in the Workplace

  • Basic Anatomy

  • Priority Action Approach to the Critically Ill Patient

  • Anatomy and Function of the Respiratory System

  • Airway Management

  • Respiratory Emergencies

  • Anatomy and Function of the Circulatory System

  • Shock

  • Bleeding and it’s management

  • Traumatic Cardiovascular Emergencies

  • Non-Traumatic Cardiac Emergencies


  • Head and Nervous System

  • The Patient with an Altered Level of Consciousness

  • Injuries to the Head and Brain

  • Spinal Injuries and Management

  • Facial Trauma (Face, Eyes, Dental, Ear)

  • Abdominal and Genitourinary injuries

  • The Skin and Soft Tissues

  • Skeletal System (Sprains, Dislocations, Fractures)

  • Environmental Emergencies (hot, cold, burns, bites, stings, electrical, water and dicing emergencies)

  • Poisonings

  • Communicable Diseases

  • Diabetes

  • Mental Health Emergencies

  • Patient Handling and Transportation

DATE: May 17-21, 2021

LOCATION: Victoria, BC

INSTRUCTOR: Kellie McKenzie, Alert First Aid

This course is made possible through the IATSE TTF Course Reimbursement Program. If you are interested in this training, contact Local 168 for more information.