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Forklift Operator in Reading, PA | Local 97

A forklift is a powered, mechanical device that is used to move of lift loads. Although this seems like a simple task, forklifts can cause serious injury or death if they are misused or if the operator isn’t properly trained on how to use the equipment safely.

This course helps satisfy the operator training requirements under OSHA's Powered Industrial Trucks Standard (1910.178(l)). Specifically, it is designed to help learners choose, inspect, and operate a forklift in a safe way, protecting themselves and their coworkers from the potential hazards associated with their use.

After completing this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify the various kinds of forklifts and their controls, and how they differ from
  • Discuss the center of gravity and stability triangle
  • Explain what to look for when performing a pre-use
  • Describe how to safely operate a forklift (including picking up, traveling with, and placing a load)
  • Discuss how to park, charge, refuel, and perform maintenance or modifications on a forklift

DATE: July 10, 2018


INSTRUCTORS: Michael Perez, Health and Safety at Cintas

This course is made possible through the IATSE TTF Course Reimbursement Program. If you are interested in this training, contact Local 97 for more information.