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Elevated Work Platforms in Spokane, WA | Local 488

IATSE Local 488 uses the Ives Compliance Training Materials as the base structure for all
EWP Certification courses. The courses are then adapted by our Certified Trainers to
meet the needs of our work in the Entertainment Industry.

Day 1: EWP industry specific theory/theory evaluation, site inspection and equipment
inspections. At the end of Day 1 after all written tests are graded and returned; those students that passed the written exam will get to choose a block of time for Day 2 to do practical hands on training and evaluation.

Day 2 Hands On Training involves working one on one with a trainer on the equipment in an intensive review and training session.

If you are new to aerial equipment or don’t operate often, we suggest you sign up for a 2
hour block of time for hands on training followed by evaluation. If you are an experienced operator you can sign up for a shorter (1-2 hour) block of time for equipment re-familiarization/Practical testing. Be aware the practical exam is a strict pass/fail test. Sign up for the proper amount of training time for your experience level. If you have a full body fall harness of your own it is encouraged that you bring it. If you do not have one, the trainer will provide a basic OSHA approved full body fall harness.

We train for the operation of:
• Articulating Work Platforms (Knuckle-boom)
• Scissor Lifts
• Self propelled man lifts.
Day one class time could take 7-8 hours

DATES: September 9 & 10, 2017


INSTRUCTOR: Niall James, Certified IVES EWP Trainer

This course is made possible through the IATSE TTF Supported Course Program. If you are interested in this training, contact Local 488 for more information.