IATSE Training Trust Fund

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Develop a Local OSHA Trainer Program Expansion

We’re pleased to announce the expansion of our Develop a Local OSHA Trainer program to include reimbursement for OSHA Construction Trainers! Develop a Local OSHA Trainer is a reimbursement program for local unions in areas without an OSHA Outreach Trainer. It offers locals an opportunity to develop their own in-house trainer for OSHA General Industry Safety and Health trainings and now also includes OSHA Construction Safety and Health trainings.

Locals with OSHA Authorized Construction Trainers can then apply to use the OSHA 10-Hour Construction with Focus on the Entertainment Industry curriculum, which includes access to customized PowerPoint presentations, an instructor guide, and student books for all classes. These new trainers will also be available to conduct OSHA trainings for neighboring locals. We reimburse approved locals the cost of tuition after their nominated trainer completes OSHA 510 and OSHA 500 at an authorized OSHA Training Institute Education Center.

  • Your local will have more flexibility when setting up OSHA classes because you will have a local trainer.

  • Your local can apply for the OSHA 10-Hour Construction with Focus on the Entertainment Industry curriculum and teach OSHA classes at your local and neighboring locals using this curriculum after a brief orientation.

  • Your local will reduce training expenses because you'll have an in-house trainer, and when you apply for the OSHA 10-Hour Construction with Focus on the Entertainment Industry curriculum, we'll ship student books free of charge.

  • Your trainer's name will be listed in the Trainer Database as an OSHA Outreach Trainer available to teach for locals organizing their own classes.

Learn how to become an OSHA Authorized Trainer here →

Learn more about the Develop a Local OSHA Trainer program here →