IATSE Training Trust Fund

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New Resource: Computer Essentials Curriculum

This new curriculum developed by the IATSE Education and Training Department provides local unions with comprehensive, user-friendly training that covers the basic knowledge required for an individual to use their personal computer.

The curriculum is designed to provide IATSE workers information necessary to perform simple tasks on their computer like gaining access to the Internet, creating and maintaining email accounts for personal and professional use, and downloading and using common writing and editing applications. The training is structured for use by local union trainers and can be customized to meet your local’s needs.

Learn more here →


The officer completing and submitting the curriculum application must be an officer other than the individual listed as a trainer on the application. Please have a local officer email the completed application to av@iatsetrainingtrust.org, and we will share the video tutorial with your local. Once your local trainers watch the video, they will need to notify your local. As soon as the local notifies us their trainers have watched the video, we’ll share the curriculum.