IATSE Training Trust Fund

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Train the Trainer: Master Class Launch

On May 19, fourteen people from ten different locals across the US and Canada gathered in Kansas City, MO for the first ever Train the Trainer: Master Class. The course was a great success, course participants were fully engaged, and participant feedback will be used to improve future courses and further develop the curriculum for the course. This 2½ day course is intended for safety and skills trainers who have taken the Train the Trainer: Teaching Techniques course, have been conducting safety and skills training since that course, and have a course they want to develop or further develop.

The Master Class is designed to take abstract theories and concepts and develop various types of activities to help teach that concept/theory. Students work from the course outlines turn in when applying for the class and incorporate their activities into their lesson plan.  By the end of the Master Class, course participants create eight activities they can incorporate throughout their new/revised course that will help demonstrate the theory-based portion of their class. Activity types include Role Plays, Teambuilding, Cognitive Exercises, Case Studies, Critical Thinking, Connecting Abstract Ideas with Concrete Experiences and Small Group Discussions. 

Examples of the various activities are presented throughout the first day and students are given ample time to develop an activity to use in their course. On the second day of class, each participant engages the entire group in one of the eight activities they develop to use in their course. 

The next Master Class is September 15-17 in Kansas City, MO. Applications will be sent to locals with eligible course participants in June. For more information on the Master Class and application process, click here.