IATSE Training Trust Fund

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Train the Trainer Atlanta Wrap-up

The TTF just wrapped it's last Train the Trainer of the year with Local 479 hosting in Atlanta, GA. To date, 80+ locals representing the various crafts of the IATSE have nominated worker-trainers to participate in this workshop with the aim of creating new safety and craft skills trainers and improving the teaching skills of experienced trainers.

The response to the Train the Trainer has been so overwhelmingly positive that we are expanding the program next year and introducing an advanced level course! We're rebranding the original Train the Trainer, which will now be called "Train the Trainer: Teaching Techniques and Presentation Skills." The "Train the Trainer: Master Class for Course Development" will be available in 2017, and local union officers will be able to nominate people who've completed the first Train the Trainer and have conducted 3-5 craft skills or safety trainings since completing the original course.

Ever wondered what happens at one of our Train the Trainer workshops? After the first day of instruction, trainers get to practice the techniques they learned by creating short lesson plans and teaching these the next day through guided practice. With feedback from other IATSE workers and our trainer, Dr. Mark L. Johnson, they can assess what teaching methods work best for different learners.

View the gallery below to see some of these lessons, which included Heimlich Maneuver and Bleeding Control; Drilling the Bone for Intraosseous Infusion; High Rigging Techniques; Using a Drill Driver; Camera Techniques; Transfer Tattoos; AV Essentials; Securing Equipment with the Clove Hitch Knot; Continuity with Bruises; 180 Degree Rule with Camera Angles, and so much more.

Photography by Guy D'Alema