IATSE Training Trust Fund

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Is Your Local Interested in Offering Safety Training?

Does your local conduct or want to conduct safety training?  If the answer is yes, you may be interested in learning more about the TTF General Entertainment Safety curriculum. Once your local has this curriculum and trainers have gone through a brief orientation, you may use it to teach your own local safety classes with the curriculum used for the TTF's Entertainment Safety Tour. Read more about how to apply for this curriculum.

 Do you have an OSHA Authorized Trainer in your local? If not, and you are interested in having one, you can read more here about the training needed to become an OSHA Authorized Trainer. The IATSE Training Trust Fund may be able to reimburse your local for sending a member trainer to the OSHA Training Institute #501 and #511.

Contact us for more information about the General Entertainment Safety curriculum and becoming an OSHA Outreach Trainer.