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Save on the Cost of ETCP Exams by Applying before December 31, 2014

If you have been thinking about testing to become ETCP certified, now is the time to apply, as fees will increase $50 per exam on January 1, 2015.  There are over 1,600 ETCP Certified Technicians in North America, don’t get left behind. You have up to one year from your acceptance date to take your examination, so sign up today to save.

 ETCP Certification is a fundamental aide to employers who are looking for qualified technicians for lead positions. It guarantees a reliable level of expertise and skills because the exams are specific to this industry and a fair assessment of your knowledge.

 There are a few ways you can be tested to receive certification.  All three exams are available for computer based-testing and a candidate can make arrangements to take the exam at one of 190 testing centers around the U.S and in Canada.  ETCP will be offering all three examinations in one session at LDI 2014 on November 22, 2014. The application deadline for the LDI exam will be October 30, 2014. You can also encourage your organization or local to host a paper and pencil exam.

Questions concerning certification and testing may be directed to Meredith Moseley-Bennett, Certification Manager at etcp@plasa.org or 212.244.1505, ext. 705.