Curriculum Library
Use the OSHA 10-Hour General Industry with Focus on the Entertainment Industry, OSHA 30-Hour General Industry with Focus on the Entertainment Industry, OSHA 10-Hour Construction with Focus on the Entertainment Industry, OSHA 30-Hour Construction with Focus on the Entertainment Industry, TTF Safety First! Online Courses ©, and Computer Essentials to deliver essential training to your local.
Training Tracker
Our searchable database makes it easy to browse your local union's training records at your convenience. Send us information on your local's classes and we'll track your trainings and certifications for you!
Course Templates
Ready for your first class? Download and customize our course templates to organize, promote, track, and evaluate your courses.
Our publications are designed to support safety and craft skills training and provide crucial program information for IATSE workers and local unions. They include our Fact Sheet, Program Guide, Guide to Developing Training Programs, OSHA 10 vs OSHA 30 Poster, LinkedIn Learning User Guide, Emergency Action Plan, Tips for Successful Distance Training, and ETCP Test Taking Tips.
Useful Links
Our list of professional organizations, vendors, and safety and local resources includes safety mobile apps, OSHA resources and videos, safety bulletins, and much more.
Social Media Assets
These ready-to-use graphics are designed to help local unions promote IATSE TTF programs across various web and social media platforms.
LinkedIn Learning Local Union Curator
The LinkedIn Learning Local Union Curator role was introduced in 2023 to better support training at the local level. It replaces the role of Sub-Admin and gives local unions the ability to customize training even more.